
21 Day Corporate Fast  - 01.05.2020

21 Day Corporate Fast

Fasting Options/Suggestions

Option 1

1. One Main Meal Per Day After 3pm consisting of baked chicken, fish or turkey, vegetables and fruit.

2. No Eating After Midnight (12 am).

3. From Midnight (12 am) to 3pm consume spring water & 100 % fruit or vegetable juice only.

NOTE:  If you must eat during the day before 3pm. Eat fruit, nuts and vegetables only. 

Option 2

1. Eat small meals as usual.

2. Covenant to refrain from something( s) as a sacrifice:  Ex.: Sweets, Television, Social Media, Fried Foods, Meats, Caffeine, etc..

Option 3—Daniel’s Fast

1. Eat small meals as usual.

2. Only consume foods grown from seeds.  (Fresh, Frozen or Canned Foods, Whole Grains and Natural Oils ). No Fried Foods.  Only Drink water

Corporate Prayer Wednesday Evenings at 7:15pm before Bible Study

Daily Prayer Focuses & Suggested Scripture Readings

Thanksgiving and Praise Psalm 100

Repentance 1 John 1:8-10

Forgiveness Matthew 6:14-15

Boldness Acts 4:29

Manifestation of God’s Kingdom Mark 16:15-18

Household Salvation and Deliverance Acts 16:31, Exodus 12:26-27

Souls to be Added to the Church Acts 2:46-47

Supernatural Debt Cancellation Matthew 17:27, III John 2


Do all things by faith and you will please God. Hebrews 11:6

Expect God to honor your fast and answer prayers. Matthew 6:16-18

Be joyful and give God Praise and Worship. 2 Chronicles 20:21-22